intellectual property

Protect your inventions, your brand, and your name.

intellectual property

Trademark Registration

Trademark is any distinguished form of names, words, signatures, letters, figures, graphics, logos, titles, hallmarks, seals, pictures, patterns, announcements, packs or any other marks or group of marks, if they were used or intended to be used either to distinguish goods, products or services from whatever sources, or to indicate that certain services, goods or products belong to the owner of the trademark, because of their provision, manufacturing, selection or trading. The voice accompanying a trademark is considered a part of it.

Who can register a trademark?

UAE citizens and artificial persons practicing any commercial, industrial, professional or service based businesses

Foreigners and artificial persons practicing any commercial, industrial, professional or service based businesses

Foreigners and natural and artificial persons practicing any commercial, industrial, professional or service business in any country on basis of reciprocity

Other artificial persons.

intellectual property

Copyright Registration

Intellectual work is any original work in the areas of literature, arts or science, whatever its description, form of expression, significance or purpose. The following intellectual works are protected under copyrights law:

Intellectual works are protected under copyrights law
  • Books, booklets, articles and other literature
  • Computer software and applications, databases and similar works defined in a decision to be issued by the Minister of Economy
  • Lectures, speeches, sermons and other works of similar nature
  • Plays, musicals and pantomimes
  • Musicals accompanied by dialogues and musicals which are not accompanied by dialogue
  • Audio and video works or audio-visual works
  • Architectural work and architectural plans and drawings
  • Drawings, paintings, sculptures, etchings, lithography, screen printing, reliefs and intaglio prints and other similar works of fine art
  • Photographic work and the likes
  • Works of applied art and plastic art
  • Charts, maps, plans, 3-D modelling for geographical and topographical applications and architectural designs etc.

Duration of Protection

According to Article 20 of Federal Law No. 7 of 2002 on Copyrights and related rights, the economic rights of the author under this Law shall be protected for the duration of his life plus 50 years starting from the first day of the calendar year following his death. Economic rights of applied art works expires after 25 years, which start from the first day of the calendar year following their first publication.

intellectual property


Patent protection in the UAE is granted for any new invention resulting from an innovative idea or innovative improvement of an invention in all fields of technology, provided that such an idea or innovative improvement has a scientific basis and is applicable. The invention shall be deemed industrially applicable in its broadest term if used or utilised in such fields as agriculture, fisheries,  and handicrafts.